1 // Class1.cs
2 //
4 using System;
5 using System.DHTML;
6 using ScriptFX;
7 using ScriptFX.UI;
9 namespace ThinkFarAhead.WordReporter.TestBed.ScriptsForWeb
10 {
12 public class Class1
13 {
14 public void Greet()
15 {
16 Script.Alert("Hi!");
17 }
19 public void Main()
20 {
21 new Class1().Greet();
22 }
23 }
24 }
49 <Import Project="$(ProgramFiles)\nStuff\ScriptSharp\v1.0\nStuff.ScriptSharp.targets" />
32 <ScriptCompilerTask
33 Sources="@(Compile)"
34 Resources="@(EmbeddedResource)"
35 References="@(ReferencePath)"
36 Defines="$(DefineConstants)"
37 OutputPath="$(OutputPath)"
38 ScriptPath="$(ScriptPath)"
39 LocaleSubFolders="$(LocaleSubFolders)"
40 ScriptName="$(ScriptName)"
41 Template="$(TemplateFile)"
42 CopyReferences="$(CopyReferences)"
43 CSharpAssembly="@(IntermediateAssembly)"
44 DocumentationFile="$(DocumentationFile)"
45 SuppressDocumentation="$(SuppressDocumentation)">
46 <Output TaskParameter="DebugScriptFile" ItemName="DebugScriptFile" />
47 <Output TaskParameter="ReleaseScriptFile" ItemName="ReleaseScriptFile" />
48 </ScriptCompilerTask>
49 <!-- Added by Vyas to know where Script# is keeping my files-->
50 <Warning Text="Script Folder: $(ScriptPath)"/>
22 <ScriptPath>..\..\..\App_Scripts\</ScriptPath>
------ Build started: Project: ThinkFarAhead.WordReporter.Web.Scripts, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Csc.exe /noconfig /nowarn:0028,1591,1701,1702 /nostdlib+ /errorreport:prompt /warn:4 /doc:..\ThinkFarAhead.WordReporter.Web.Scripts.xml /define:DEBUG /reference:"C:\Program Files (x86)\nStuff\ScriptSharp\v1.0\Framework\sscorlib.dll" /reference:"C:\Program Files (x86)\nStuff\ScriptSharp\v1.0\Framework\ssfx.Core.dll" /reference:"C:\Program Files (x86)\nStuff\ScriptSharp\v1.0\Framework\ssfx.UI.Forms.dll" /debug- /optimize+ /out:obj\Debug\ThinkFarAhead.WordReporter.Web.Scripts.dll /target:library Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs ClientCapabilityDetecter.cs
Compile complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings
C:\Program Files (x86)\nStuff\ScriptSharp\v1.0\nStuff.ScriptSharp.targets : warning : Script Folder: ..\..\App_Scripts\
Done building project "ThinkFarAhead.WordReporter.Web.Scripts.csproj".

1 comment:
I'm trying implement jquery for scriptsharp. jquery has two types of 'get' functions. One of them implement XMLHttpRequest behavior, the others works on a DOMElement collection. I have trouble finding right declarations for these functions:
public class jQuery
public static XMLHttpRequest get(string url); { return null; }
public extern static XMLHttpRequest get(string url, Dictionary data) { return null; }
public static XMLHttpRequest get(string url, Dictionary data, GetCallback callback) { return null; }
public DOMElement[] get() { return null; }
public DOMElement get(double index) { return null; }
When I use one of the static functions, compiles ok, when I use one of the instance functions, I won't compile.
I can't rename them, because that's the name that has to be generated for jQuery...
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